

A young starlet battles sexism, alcohol, a string of husbands, directors and the Studio system itself to become one of Hollywood’s greatest icons.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
SEMI-FINALIST - Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards - 2020[21924].png

What People Are Saying


“STARDUST certainly succeeds at conveying BETTE DAVIS' personality in all its pomp and circumstance. The narrative derives its momentum and dramatic imperative by illustrating her clashes with powerful men attempting to suppress her creative independence; providing a compelling commentary on the challenges women face in asserting their autonomy. The script manages to weave in her more magnanimous achievements—founding the Hollywood Canteen, advocating for minorities, championing stories of female independence—to effectively earn the audience's sympathy


“Fast-paced and exciting, STARDUST effectively captures the idea of Bette Davis, this fierce, wild Hollywood legend, whose force of life seemed impervious. Believability is accentuated by your very clever inclusion of scenes in which she is in character shooting a film. I think the key thing to why STARDUST is so readable is that the different characters who reared their heads are full of life, given pithy, believable but dramatized dialogue; which amuse, anger, provoke pity, awe or fear.”


Bette comes to life vividly in this script. She’s shown to be ruthless in the pursuit of what she wants. She’s also shown to have keen instincts for the business and plenty of ambition to be the best. This script is sensitive when showing how dehumanizing it can be to become a successful woman. From the beginning with her screen tests, to her abortions, to the way she has to advocate for herself to get truly well-rounded, interesting female roles, Bette is shown fighting tooth and nail to be taken seriously in a world that undervalues women’s contributions.”


“This script manages a number of impressive feats. The quirks in even minor characters make the narrative feel lived in and specific. There really are no throwaway lines here. Each line is crammed with information that paints a vivid description of the plot. The writer does a good job of crafting immediately memorable characters. This is a script filled with complex motivations and competing ideologies, but they’re fun to untangle thanks to characters that are clear from the outset and flexible enough to grow. You might think you know these characters, but the writer finds ways to surprise you.”



The Blitz