Minister Speer


An ambitious young reporter confronts a charming high-level Nazi war criminal where he spins his detailed yarn of what life in the Third Reich was really like, and she endeavors to make him confess that he knows more than he is admitting about the Holocaust.


Script Samples

What People Are Saying


 “The story Speer tells is full of powerful and shocking moments that touch on some very captivating and horrifying behind the scenes times. Hitler's voice stands out as one of the strongest; he’s overzealous, charismatic at times, and his role is captured in a consistently intriguing way. The backstory that Speer tells is truly captivating, eye opening, and entertaining. There are several very humanizing and clever moments.”


“The script is very immersive, oozing detail in a highly engaging manner. The script captures the inner workings of the Nazi regime in enthralling detail; simply being in the rooms witnessing conversation a genuine pleasure. All of the dialogue is excellent. Settings are fantastic. Speer is obviously the most psychologically fascinating character; I was reminded of Nick Carraway in ‘The Great Gatsby’, who is one of the most iconic examples of what you have in MINISTER SPEER: an unreliable narrator.”

— Script Up

 “MINISTER SPEER has a unique flow to it, there is a terrific story here and it’s based almost entirely on the fact that Speer was the only high-profile war criminal that chose to accept his culpability in the Nazi regime. That is some enormously strong dramatic sauce, and it raises the thematic questions of guilt and redemption. I found a certain morbid fascination in seeing Speer accept his responsibilities. A meaningful theme is developed in this script about the truth we tell ourselves.”



The Dirty Blonde


Everything Turns Grey